The Entrada Institute and Wayne County USU Extension/4-H have teamed up for a three-year project celebrating the cultural heritage of Wayne County. From native peoples and pioneers to ranching and rural life, we’re celebrating our rich cultural heritage around six fun themes.

It’s hoped the project will SPARK an interest in learning more about our rural community and it’s amazing history. Community members of all ages are encouraged to share their family stories and start conversations around local themes connected with universal human experiences.

Join the Fun

The themes for 2018 include games and gaming; wood and crafting; baskets, rugs and weaving; chickens: hatching, raising, and consuming; rocks and collecting; and fish and fishing. Additional themes will be introduced in 2019 and 2020 including quilting and beekeeping.

Local historian Steve Taylor is one of a growing number of volunteers who are sharing their Wayne County historical photos. We’re seeking historical photos of children and families that will bring our themes alive. If you have pre-1968 photos taken in Wayne County or the surrounding area that depict everyday life, we’d love to include them in our programs. While lots of portrait photos exist, it’s difficult to find century old photos of people chopping wood, baking cookies, or gathering eggs. If you’re willing to share digital copies photos (we don’t need originals) or volunteer to help with our programs, contact Annette Lamb at 435-425-3415 or email at

Over the next several months, Annette Lamb, the project’s director will be calling for anecdotes, memories, and photos related to the 2018 themes that can be shared in the 4-H program and a community sharing event.

After-School Events

Each theme will include four or five 4-H club meetings. These sessions will be held at the Loa Civic Center after school from 3PM to 5PM replacing the current after-school program. The format of this project is based on the successful 4-H SET SQUAD program from a few years ago.

The first theme focuses on our heritage of games and gaming. Do you remember playing jacks, marbles, run-sheep-run, and board games? Or, are you part of the video game generation? Activities for 4-H youth will take place January 9, 11, 16, and 18th.

2018 is the first year of a three-year, special 4-H initiative. Kids can receive Utah 4-H Club Awards for participating in two (bronze level) or three (silver or gold level) years of the program.

Sign up today! To register 3rd grade or older children, please go to or call 435-836-1312.

If you’re a teen who would like to become a 4-H teen leader, contact Mary Sorenson. She’ll be happy to get you involved.

Evening Events

All members of the community are invited to the Spark Squad Sharing Nights. During these family-oriented events, participants will enjoy a FREE, healthy dinner, inspiring conversation, live demonstrations, fascinating oral histories, and fun activities for all ages. Bring your friends and encourage older members of the community to come and share their memories and expertise.

Free activity booklets and patches will be available for anyone wishing to learn more about the theme. The Wednesday evening events will be held at the Wayne County Community Center in Bicknell, UT at 6PM. The first event will be held on Wednesday January 24 and focus on games and gaming. Mark your calendars!

To register for the free dinner, call the USU Extension/4-H office at 435-836-1312.

This project has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Humanities Access and The Entrada Institute, a local nonprofit focusing on arts, education, and cultural heritage.