On August 25. 2012, Logan Hebner presented a program on his book Southern Paiute: a Portrait.

The program was co-sponsored by the Utah Humanities Council and the Entrada Institute.

Logan Hebner has been writing about the Southern Paiute for more than 20 years. Along with photographer Michael Plyler, they began photographing and interviewing Southern Paiute elders in 2000.

Their book, Southern Paiute: a Portrait, features interviews with  over thirty elders, representing every tribe and band from throughout their confederation. Logan shared his images and experiences.

Teaming up with photographer, Michael Plyler, Logan created a wonderful glimpse into the history and culture of the Southern Paiute people.

Logan’s presentation featured stunning photographs (from the book) of varied members of tribal bands.

He conducted oral interviews to collect personal histories. The insights and understandings that were gained provide a unique voice of the people.

Margaret King (shown in a photo taken by Michael Plyler) of the San Juan Paiute band was born in 1896, was 106 yrs. old at the time she was interviewed.

Woven into Logan’s talk were explanations of the manner in which he gained trust and access to tribal members – – of how he was able to break through and get beyond ‘how the beaver got his tail’ type stories.

The time went quickly and afterwards audience members lined up to talk with Logan, have him sign his book.

Thanks to Logan for an enlightening evening at Robber’s Roost; appreciate that he stayed over an hour afterwards.