“I’m Dylan Sadler. I am currently going to Wayne High School, living in Torrey, and thinking of going to Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. My parents are Melody and Randy Sadler, who have been a source of encouragement, and love to me.
Like a lot of people my age I am not 100% sure of what I want to be but my possible career choices are a historian for corporations and/or the government, become an astronomer, or possibly a fiction author. The only thing that I am 100% for sure about is that I want to make a difference for the better through achieving my goals in college. The people who have been the biggest inspiration to me are my friends, family, and teachers.” – Dylan
This weekly student spotlight is brought to you by Wayne High School and the Entrada Institute scholarship committee. These spotlights are not only to inform the people of Wayne County about these fine seniors, but to encourage contributions to the “Scholarship of Excellence” program for students at WCHC. For more information about tax deductible donations, please call Frances Metcalfe at WCHS.