Saturday Sunset Series and Special Events

From May through October, Entrada Institute holds Saturday evening events for those interested in learning more about the natural, historical and cultural heritage of the Colorado
Plateau. In addition, festivals and other events are held throughout the year.

The Saturday Sunset Series is supported through generous individual and corporate donations, Wayne County Business Association, Wayne County Travel, the Utah Arts Council, the Utah Humanities Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Some of our programs are offered in partnerships with groups such as Capitol Reef National Park.

Check out our Winter/Spring Programs focusing Cultural Heritage topics.

Throughout the year, we also sponsor many Special Events. To learn more, go to the specific event pages: Arts and the ParkBIFFCowboy Poetry and Music FestivalHarvest Time Scarecrow FestivalHeritage StarfestTake the Stage: Youth MusicWomen’s Redrock Music Festival, and Workshops.

We offer sponsorships of both individual events and festivals. For more information or to suggest an event, contact us.

To view the schedule and photographs from recent Seasons, go to 20172016,  201520142013201220112010.

2018 Sunset Series & Special Events

Below is the preliminary program, the full program will be available soon.

Click the poster for a larger view.

On Facebook, you’ll also find photo albums of our events including: